9 Ways To Help Children Focus While Studying

Recently updated on November 25th, 2023 at 08:41 pm

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You might have seen the news recently about schools in France banning mobile phones in class. The reason is that it distracts students from focusing in class.

While this might work in the classroom, at home the situation might be different. The TV, notifications, social media updates, and so on can easily be distracting.

The worst thing about a smartphone is that your child can tell herself that she will just be checking her phone for some updates for just a few minutes. But before they realize it an hour of their time has gone.

The few minutes of social media check has turned to messaging a friend, updating status, checking the news and endless scrolling of some YouTube videos.

I am sure that situation sounds familiar even to you.

Now let me show you how you can help your kids focus when it is studying time and not let mobile phones distract them.

Check out THE GROWTH MINDSET KIT, packed with amazing worksheets, aimed at helping children develop positive habits from a young age.


1. Put the phone on silent mode

If your child has a smartphone, you know how distracting it can. Even without a smartphone as it is it can be very hard to focus. Now imagine having that notifications pinging constantly.

The best thing you can advise your child is to keep the phone on silent or even better leave it outside the bedroom when it is revision time.

Before starting studying session- keep your phone in silent and in a place where you cannot see it.

This way your child won’t be interrupted when trying to focus.

Allow your child to check their phone every 30 minutes for just a few minutes when they are taking a break.

2.  Move all notes from phone to their computer

If your child has some notes on their mobile phone then ask them to email it to themselves so they do not need to keep checking their phone.

This way your child also can stop giving excuses as to why she is always on her phone.  Also, using this method they can concentrate on studying and not on what is on their phone.

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3. Take a deep breathe when feeling distracted

Even when the phone away, it is easy for the mind to go wandering about. When your child is about to get distracted teach them to take a deep breath.

Show them some simple breathing techniques that can help them regain their focus.

The simple act of just breathing and being able to gain their concentration back will follow them throughout their life. They can use this skill in college and in the workplace.

Remind your child that the intense urge of letting the mind gets distracted only last for a short period of time. If they can fight this temptation in the first few minutes they will be able to continue focusing on their studies.

Here is a simple breathing technique:

  • Close your eye
  • Breathe in for 3 seconds, breathe out for 3 seconds
  • Repeat the process until you feel calm and ready to focus again

Check out THE GROWTH MINDSET KIT that would help your kids understand how special they are

4. Take a break every 20 minutes

As human beings, we find it hard to focus on one thing for a long period of time. Encourage your child to take a break every 20 minutes. This could easily be stretching or even just getting some snack.

They can even meditate or do some fun inspiring mindful coloring.

Research that has been conducted found that mindful coloring is known to reduce stress and anxiety.

It is a great activity to keep kids calm and practice mindfulness from a young age.

You can check out THE GROWTH MINDSET KIT, packed with coloring pages and mindfulness activities for children.

5. Create a study plan

Another reason why studying can be so difficult is when kids do not have a study plan.

It is great to create a study plan to keep your kids focussed. You can use the template below.

6. Create a goal setting worksheet

Telling your child they need to study so they can pass their exam and get a good job might not be motivation enough for your child.

While this make sense to an adult, it might not for a child. Think back about how you were as a child and how studying can feel like a big chore and not enjoyable.

Instead of forcing them to focus and study, map out their goals in life with them. You might think your child is too young for life plans. But you will be surprised by what kids have in mind about their future.

Have those goals written down and stick in their bedroom or in a place where they can keep seeing it.

This acts as a reminder to your child on what they want to achieve and why they should work hard towards it.

You can read more about how to help your child set realistic goals and the best way to achieve those goals.

Related : Goal setting activities for children

Check out THE GROWTH MINDSET KIT, to help your child map out their goals.

7.  Give them privacy

Give your child their privacy and quiet time. Make studying as less distractful as possible for them. It can be very frustrating when your child is trying to focus and you keep calling them to help you out with some chores.

While it is important for your child to help out at home, there should be a time for it.

Just before they begin their study session, let them know that they will not be interrupted unless it is an emergency.

8. Journaling & writing to help with concentration

Your child might be easily distracted by their mobile phone or by their thoughts especially when there are things they are worried about.

Journaling can help your child put all their thoughts in a safe space.

This helps them clear their mind and reflect on their emotions.

Journaling does not need to be a long activity. In fact for just 5 minutes a day of journaling, your child can feel at peace with their feelings and emotions.

Related : Journaling for kids, how to get them started. 

To get your kids interested in journaling you need to give them the right tools to get started.

Check out THE GROWTH MINDSET KIT, it has over 139 journaling pages with motivational quotes, prompts and queues to help your child reflect on their daily emotions. It only takes 5 minutes to fill each day. 

9.  Get 8 hours of sleep every night

Keep devices out of the bedroom when it is sleeping time. It is easy for a child to wake up and wanting to check their phone in the middle of the night.

To ensure that their notifications are not interrupting their sleep it is best to keep it out of the bedroom.

With all the notifications on their phone and trying to keep up with everything, your child might think sleep is not important.

But actually sleep is vital for them to perform well academically. It is a known scientific research that sleep can affect memory and concentration.

If they are not sleeping enough, they are not seeing themselves up for success in their student life.

In Conclusion…

In our connected world of smartphone and internet, distraction is everywhere.

Your children have to make a conscious decision to stay focused. And you as parents play an important role in helping them build a positive future habit.

Before you go, check out THE GROWTH MINDSET KIT, aimed at helping children face challenges with confidence.


  • Daily journaling pages (52 pages)
  • Learn to love yourself worksheets (6 pages)
  • Learn to be thankful and give back to others worksheets (3 pages)
  • Inspirational Quotes (20 pages)
  • Inspirational failure stories (6 pages)
  • Inspirational coloring pages (10 pages)
  • Dealing with anxiety activities and worksheets (9 pages)


  • Goal setting and being productive worksheets (7 pages)
  • Being mindful, content and discovering gratitude activities (10 pages)
  • Travel bucket list and travel journal pages(4 pages)
  • Family activities pages (3 pages)
  • Encouraging kids to review books activities (5 pages)
  • Monthly review activites (4 pages)


A quick peek into THE GROWTH MINDSET KIT  made just for kids aged 7 – 18 years old

139 pages of fun, positive and growth mindset activities

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Parven founded Kids N Clicks after obtaining her MSc in Corporate Governance from the London School of Economics. She worked as a business studies and digital marketing lecturer. Internet Matters recognizes her profound knowledge of online safety, dubbing her an Internet safety expert. At Kids N Clicks, Parven keeps abreast of the newest apps. Drawing from her teaching background, she fervently promotes screen-free activities for students and encourages introspective thinking through journaling, games and writing prompts.

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