Frisbee games are a fantastic way to engage in physical activity, improve hand-eye coordination, and most importantly, have a good time.
The beauty of these games is the variety that caters to different ages, spaces, and skill levels. Let’s discover some fun and unique games to enjoy with a simple flying disc.
Frisbee Games for Kids
Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe
- Players needed: 2 or 2 teams
- Appropriate ages: 5 and above
- How to play: Draw a tic tac toe grid on the ground and place hula hoops in each box. Each player or team takes turns throwing the frisbee into the hula hoops with the simple goal of aligning three discs in a row – horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. It’s a fun game that combines the classic frisbee and tic tac toe for younger children, emphasizing hand-eye coordination.
Frisbee Flip
- Players needed: Any number
- Appropriate ages: 6 and above
- How to play: Each player stands in a large circle. A player throws the frisbee disc, and the next person must catch it and immediately throw it to the next player. The fun part? The frisbee must be caught and thrown in one motion without stopping. If a player fails, they step out of the circle. The last player standing is the winning team.
Frisbee Tag
- Players needed: 3 or more
- Appropriate ages: 5 and above
- How to play: Start by choosing one person to be “it”. This person holds the frisbee and tries to tag another player by lightly tossing the frisbee at them. If they successfully tag another player with the frisbee, that player becomes “it” and the game continues. It’s a classic game of tag with a frisbee twist, which makes for a fun part of your child’s physical activities.
Frisbee Bottle Knock Down
- Players needed: 2 or more
- Appropriate ages: 6 and above
- How to play: Set up water bottles or lightweight objects in a line or formation. The aim of this fun game is to knock down as many objects as possible by throwing the frisbee at them. Take turns and keep score for each successful throw. Not only is this game engaging, but it also helps kids improve their throwing accuracy and hand-eye coordination.
Frisbee Games for Adults
Frisbee Golf
- Players needed: Any number
- Appropriate ages: 12 and above
- How to play: Using frisbee golf courses or makeshift targets at different points in a large field or park, each player takes turns throwing the disc towards the target. The goal is to hit each target in the fewest throws. It’s a popular game combining the flight of a frisbee with the rules of golf, involving long distances and precision.
Frisbee Dodgeball
- Players needed: 6 or more
- Appropriate ages: 14 and above
- How to play: In a confined playing area, players attempt to hit opposing team members with a frisbee. If a player is hit, they are out. If they catch the disc, the throwing team member is out. The first team without any remaining members loses. This game is a perfect combination of the classic dodgeball rules and frisbee, providing a great way to engage in physical activity.
Frisbee Tennis
- Players needed: 2 or 4 (for doubles)
- Appropriate ages: 16 and above
- How to play: Using the same rules as tennis, each player or team takes turns serving the frisbee, aiming to land it within the opposing service box on a tennis court. If the frisbee lands outside the service box, hits the net, or goes out of bounds, points are scored accordingly. This game is an excellent way to bring a unique twist to a familiar game, testing different skills and agility.
Long Throw Competition
- Players needed: 2 or more
- Appropriate ages: 18 and above
- How to play: In this simple game, each player gets a certain number of chances to make the longest throw of the frisbee. The player whose frisbee travels the farthest distance wins. This activity is great for those who enjoy the pure thrill of throwing a frisbee long distances. It also allows players to show off their frisbee throwing skills and strength. Just make sure you have enough space!
Indoor Frisbee Games
Frisbee Hot Box
- Players needed: 3 or more
- Appropriate ages: 12 and above
- How to play: Establish a small box in the center of the playing area (this could be a pair of hula hoops or squares of tape), this is the ‘hot box’. The game begins with one player in the box and the rest of the players around the box with frisbees. The players outside the box try to throw their frisbee into the box without it being caught by the player in the box. If the throw is successful, they swap places. It’s a fun frisbee game of catch and swap that requires quick reactions and is perfect for an indoor setting with enough space.
Frisbee Games for High School
Ultimate Frisbee Game
- Players needed: 14 (7 on each team)
- Appropriate ages: 13 and above
- How to play: This is a popular game on many college campuses. The object of the game is to pass the frisbee to a team member in the opposing end zone on a soccer or football field. Players cannot run with the frisbee and can only move their pivot foot. When a pass is not completed (e.g., interception, out of bounds), the defensive team becomes the offensive team. The game continues until one team scores a set number of points. Ultimate frisbee encourages teamwork, strategic thinking, and is an engaging physical education activity.
Frisbee Baseball
- Players needed: 6 or more
- Appropriate ages: 12 and above
- How to play: This game follows the standard rules of baseball but with a frisbee. The pitcher throws the disc to the batter who tries to hit it with their hand or a bat. Then, the batter runs around the bases while the fielders try to catch the disc. It’s a fun game that combines the rules of baseball with the unique flight of a frisbee.
Frisbee H-O-R-S-E
- Players needed: 2 or more
- Appropriate ages: 13 and above
- How to play: This game follows the classic rules of H-O-R-S-E in basketball, but with a frisbee. The first player attempts a throw of some kind – it could be aimed at a particular target, involve a trick, or be from a specific location. If they’re successful, the next player must duplicate the same throw. If they’re unsuccessful, they earn a letter (starting with ‘H’). The game continues until a player spells out ‘HORSE’, thus losing the game. This game is a great way to practice frisbee throwing skills and to get creative with different types of throws.
Disc Golf Relay Race
- Players needed: 4 or more (two teams)
- Appropriate ages: 14 and above
- How to play: Set up a disc golf course in your playing area, using a variety of targets such as trees, posts, or disc golf frisbees. Each team member must throw their frisbee towards the targets in order, running to where their disc lands before throwing again. Once a player completes the course, the next team member begins. The first team to have all members complete the course wins. This game introduces an exciting time pressure element to disc golf, making it a fun and high-energy game.
Frisbee Water Race
- Players needed: 4 or more
- Appropriate ages: 10 and above
- How to play: Teams line up with a frisbee filled with water. The first player in line must carry the disc overhead to a designated spot and back, then pass it to the next player. The team with the most water left in their frisbee at the end of the race wins. It’s a great game that combines the beach, water, and frisbee for some fun under the sun.
Beach Frisbee Games
Kan Jam
- Players needed: 4 (2 on each team)
- Appropriate ages: 12 and above
- How to play: In this fun game, teams take turns throwing and deflecting the frisbee to hit or enter the ‘kan’, which is a large container placed at a distance. Points are scored depending on how the disc hits or enters the kan, and the first team to reach 21 points wins. It’s a fun frisbee game that requires skill, accuracy, and teamwork and is perfect for the beach.
Frisbee Bowling
- Players needed: 2 or more
- Appropriate ages: 8 and above
- How to play: Set up a bowling alley-style arrangement using water bottles or beach toys at a set distance on the beach. The aim of this game is to knock down as many of the makeshift pins as possible by throwing the frisbee at them. Each player gets a set number of throws, and points are awarded based on the number of objects knocked down. The player with the most points at the end wins. This is a fun frisbee game that tests precision and adds a competitive element to beach time.
Backyard Frisbee Games
Frisbee Lawn Bowls
- Players needed: 2 or more
- Appropriate ages: 10 and above
- How to play: The game begins by throwing a tennis ball (the ‘jack’) into the playing field. Players then take turns to throw their frisbees, aiming to land them as close as possible to the tennis ball. The frisbee closest to the ball after everyone has thrown scores a point. This game brings the classic lawn bowls to your backyard with a frisbee twist.
Frisbee Soccer
- Players needed: 4 or more
- Appropriate ages: 8 and above
- How to play: Similar to the traditional soccer rules, but with a frisbee. The players are divided into two teams, and the object of the game is to get the frisbee into the opposing team’s goal (two objects spaced apart). Players can pass the frisbee to each other but cannot move when they have the frisbee. This game combines the fun of soccer with frisbee and is a great activity for your backyard.
Frisbee Flip
- Players needed: 2 or more
- Appropriate ages: 10 and above
- How to play: In this fun frisbee game, set two frisbees upside-down at a set distance apart. Each player stands on a frisbee, and the objective is to flip the opposing player’s frisbee by hitting it with your thrown frisbee. If you successfully flip your opponent’s frisbee, you score a point. The player with the most points after a predetermined number of rounds wins.
In conclusion, the best part about frisbee games is their versatility.
Whether it’s a casual game of frisbee golf in the park or a competitive ultimate frisbee game on a high school field, frisbee games offer a great way to stay active, have fun, and build different skills.
So grab your flying disc, gather your friends and family, and try out these games next time you’re planning some outdoor or indoor fun! : Fun balloon games for kids
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