Unleashing Imagination: The Exciting World of KS2 Writing Prompts

Recently updated on December 9th, 2023 at 09:54 am

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We all know that igniting the imaginative spark in young minds is no small feat, but it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences a teacher or parent can have. Seeing a child’s eyes light up as they delve into the realms of their creativity, fashioning worlds, characters, and narratives of their own, is nothing short of magical. This is where KS2 writing prompts come into play.

Whether you’re a teacher looking to shake up your lesson plan, a parent hoping to nurture your child’s creative writing skills, or a student in search of the start of a great story, these KS2 writing prompts are for you.

Our collection of KS2 writing prompts is designed to challenge young writers, open their minds to fresh perspectives, and encourage them to think outside the box. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey of creativity, imagination, and originality.

Remember, every great story begins with a single idea. Let these KS2 writing prompts be the starting point of your storytelling journey. The world of imagination awaits! Buckle up, and let’s dive right in!

Unleashing Imagination The Exciting World of KS2 Writing Prompts

Fun KS2 writing prompts

  1. Write a story that begins with the sentence: “I woke up one day to find that I’d turned into my favorite animal.”
  2. Create an interesting story about your favorite character from a book or a TV show meeting a famous person.
  3. Imagine being stranded on a desert island with only your school uniform and a packet of biscuits. What would you do?
  4. What if you could switch places with a family member for a day? What would you do differently?
  5. Write a news story about a baby animal that has just discovered its favorite season.
  6. What would it be like to be a movie star for a day? What films would you want to act in?
  7. Describe your first day of school as a professional writer.
  8. Write an acrostic poem using the letters of your best friend’s name.
  9. How would you handle a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny?
  10. Create a fun adventure for a group of friends who have discovered a new planet.
  11. If you could be a character from your favorite book, who would you choose and why?
  12. Write a short story about a magical creature that can only communicate through word problems in a foreign language.
  13. Imagine being given a time machine as a birthday present. Where would you go, and what would you do?
  14. If you could invent a new subject to be taught in high school, what would it be and why?
  15. Write a letter to your future self, imagining where you might be in 10 years.
  16. What would you do if you found a magical wardrobe that led to a snowy world inhabited by mythical creatures?
  17. Write a news story about a young girl who saves her town from an alien invasion.
  18. Create a new ending for your favorite Roald Dahl book.
  19. Describe what it’s like to visit your favorite place for the first time.
  20. If you could ask your favorite TV show character one question, what would it be?
  21. Write about a day in the life of the world’s best video game player.
  22. If you could have any superhero’s powers for a day, which superhero would you choose, and what would you do with your new powers?
  23. Create a comic strip about a school day where everything goes hilariously wrong.
  24. Write a fictional news story about the sudden disappearance of all the world’s cookies!
  25. If you could be any character from a video game, who would you choose and why?
  26. Describe your first encounter with a snowman that comes to life.
  27. Write a letter to a good friend explaining why they are your favorite person.
  28. Write an adventure story about a young writer traveling back in time to meet Roald Dahl.
  29. If you could be any mythical creature for a day, which one would you choose and why?
  30. Imagine waking up one morning to find that you have been selected to represent Earth in an intergalactic council. Describe your first day on the job.

Creative KS2 writing prompts

  1. Create a short story where the main character is a living piece of your favorite dessert.
  2. Imagine you have the ability to communicate with animals. Write about your first conversation.
  3. Write a letter to your favorite book, explaining why it means so much to you.
  4. What would a day in the life of your school’s mascot look like?
  5. If you could talk to Snow White, what advice would you give her?
  6. Imagine that your favorite toy came to life. What adventures would you have together?
  7. Write a story where the main character finds out they are actually a magical creature.
  8. Create a short story where your favorite holiday comes to life.
  9. Imagine that you are a detective solving the mystery of the disappearing school lunch.
  10. Write a story about a world where everyone communicates through song.
  11. Imagine you have the ability to change the weather. What would you do?
  12. Write a story about a day where everything you drew became real.
  13. If you had the power to make things grow incredibly fast, how would you use it?
  14. Write about your first day at school on a new planet.
  15. Write a story where the main character is an everyday object that comes to life.
  16. Imagine that you discovered a hidden world beneath your town. What would you find?
  17. Write a story about a town where every resident is a different type of cookie.
  18. Create a tale where the main character can turn invisible at will.
  19. Write a story where every time you take a deep breath, you can fly.
  20. Imagine that you discovered a baby dragon in your backyard. What would you do?
  21. Write about what happens when all the stars in the sky suddenly disappear.
  22. If you had a magic pencil that could bring drawings to life, what would you draw first?
  23. Write a story where the main character can travel through dreams.
  24. Imagine if you could talk to shadows. What would they tell you?
  25. Write a story about a character who can speak in a foreign language that no one else understands.
  26. If you could give life to a fictional character from a book, who would it be and why?
  27. Write a story about a family member who discovers they have superpowers.
  28. Create a story where the main character is a book that can predict the future.
  29. Write a story where every time you make a wish, the opposite happens.
  30. Write a story about a world where everyone is a different type of fruit.

10 minutes writing prompts for KS2

  1. Imagine that your favorite book character just walked into your classroom. What would happen next?
  2. If you found a magic lamp with a genie, what three wishes would you make?
  3. Write a short story about a long time friendship between a young girl and a tree.
  4. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
  5. Describe what it would be like to live on the moon.
  6. Write a letter to an alien explaining what school is like on Earth.
  7. Imagine you are the smallest person in the world. What would your day look like?
  8. Write a short story about a day in the life of a pencil.
  9. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be and how would people celebrate it?
  10. Write a conversation between two pieces of fruit.
  11. Imagine that you woke up one day and everyone could read your thoughts. What would you do?
  12. If you could have any job in the world for one day, what would it be and why?
  13. Describe what happens when your pet starts talking to you.
  14. Write about what you would do if you had the chance to become the Prime Minister for a day.
  15. Imagine you found a door in your house that leads to a magical world. What is on the other side?
  16. Write about a day in the life of your favorite animal.
  17. If you could change one rule at school, what would it be and why?
  18. Write a conversation between a cloud and a rainbow.
  19. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
  20. Describe your dream house. What special rooms or features would it have?
  21. Write a letter to your favorite sport, explaining why you love it.
  22. Imagine that you woke up one day and could only speak in rhymes. Write about your day.
  23. If you could make one thing disappear forever, what would it be and why?
  24. Write about what you would do if you were a giant for a day.
  25. If you could invent a new gadget, what would it do?
  26. Imagine you have a magic carpet that can take you anywhere in an instant. Where would you go?
  27. Write about what would happen if there were no colors in the world.
  28. Imagine you were given the chance to rule the world for a day. What would you do?
  29. If you could create a new ice cream flavor, what would it be and why?
  30. Write a story about a day in the life of a coin.

Related: Narrative writing topics

Finish the story writing prompts for KS2

  1. “Once upon a time, there was a village where every resident was a magical creature. One day, the magic started to disappear…”
  2. “In the heart of a deep, dark forest, there was an ancient tree that held the secrets of the universe…”
  3. “Bob, the mischievous little mouse, had a talent for causing chaos. One day, his pranks went a little too far when…”
  4. “One sunny afternoon, a young girl found a mysterious map in the attic. Following the map led her to…”
  5. “In a world where everyone had superpowers, there was one boy who seemed to have none. That is until one fateful day when…”
  6. “On a tiny island lived a lonely dragon. He had no friends until one day, a ship arrived, and on it was…”
  7. “Sarah was just an ordinary girl who loved to read. However, every book she read started coming to life…”
  8. “Max had always dreamed of flying. One day, he woke up and found that he had wings…”
  9. “In a small town lived a little boy who could talk to animals. He used this ability to…”
  10. “A group of friends discovered a hidden treasure chest in their backyard. When they opened it…”
  11. “In a land filled with mythical creatures, there was one creature that everyone feared. That creature was…”
  12. “Once upon a time, there was a castle that floated in the sky. People wondered how it stayed afloat until one day…”
  13. “An old wizard lived in a tree. He had a magical potion that could…”
  14. “In a city where everyone could control elements, a young girl discovered she could control time…”
  15. “Lucy had a magic paintbrush. Everything she painted became real. One day, she painted a…”
  16. “In a kingdom ruled by a cruel king, a young boy found a magical sword that…”
  17. “Once upon a time, a young girl found a magical mirror. When she looked into it…”
  18. “In a village where everyone was a different color, a young boy was born with all the colors of the rainbow…”
  19. “There was a boy who could grow plants with a touch. One day, he found a special seed that…”
  20. “Long ago, there was a world where humans and magical creatures lived together in harmony. But one day…”
  21. “There was a magical library where books came to life. One day, a new book arrived and it…”
  22. “Once upon a time, there was a girl who could hear the wind talking. One windy day, the wind told her that…”
  23. “In a hidden corner of the world, there was a village where everyone had a magical pet. One day, a pet went missing and…”
  24. “In a world where dreams were bought and sold, a young boy had a dream that everyone wanted because it…”
  25. “There was a garden where plants could speak. One day, the oldest tree in the garden started to tell a story about…”
  26. “A young boy had a magical pen that could bring drawings to life. One day, he drew a…”
  27. “In a kingdom where music was forbidden, a young girl found a magical instrument that…”
  28. “Once upon a time, there was a mirror that could reflect the future. One day, it showed a…”
  29. “In a town where stories were currency, a young girl found a story so powerful that it could…”
  30. “Once upon a time, there was a city under the sea. But one day…”

Story starters for KS2

  1. “Far away in the land of dreams, where everything was possible, there was a little girl who could…”
  2. “In the middle of a vast desert, there stood an ancient pyramid. Hidden within it was a secret that could change the world…”
  3. “Long ago in a kingdom filled with magic and wonder, there was a princess who was not like the others because…”
  4. “In a world where everyone could turn into their favorite animal, there was a boy who always turned into a…”
  5. “In the heart of a dark forest, there was a tree that bore golden apples. Everyone who tasted the apple…”
  6. “In a city made of candy and sweets, the mayor was a donut. But one day, the city was in danger because…”
  7. “In a world where words were alive, a young girl had the power to control them. She could…”
  8. “Deep in the ocean, where humans had never been, there lived a mermaid who longed to…”
  9. “In a world where people lived in the clouds, there was a boy who was afraid of heights…”
  10. “In a faraway land, there was a mountain that touched the sky. At the top of the mountain was a…”
  11. “Once upon a time, in a world where every sound created a vibrant color, there was a boy who could…”
  12. “In a kingdom where each star in the sky was a story, there was a young girl who had the ability to…”
  13. “In a city hidden beneath the waves, where sea creatures lived and played, a young dolphin had a dream to…”
  14. “In a world where children could create their own dreams, a young boy had the most extraordinary dream that…”
  15. “Far off in a galaxy where stars were sentient beings, one star decided to…”
  16. “In a world where plants could speak, there was a young girl who was chosen to be their translator because…”
  17. “In a village where time stood still, a young boy discovered a way to…”
  18. “In a forest where each leaf was a different color, there lived a squirrel with a magic tail that could…”
  19. “In a city where everyone had a magical pet, there was a boy whose pet was unique because it could…”
  20. “In a world where everyone had their own personal cloud, a young girl’s cloud was special because it could…”
  21. “In a land where each wave in the ocean told a different tale, a young mermaid had the power to…”
  22. “In a world where shadows had a life of their own, a young boy could control them and he decided to…”
  23. “In a universe where every star was a different world, a young astronaut had the ability to…”
  24. “In a kingdom where every snowflake was a wish, a young girl caught a snowflake that would change her life because it…”
  25. “In a realm where dreams and reality blended seamlessly, a young boy held the key to…”
  26. “In a land where every raindrop held a memory, there was a girl who could see the memories because she could…”
  27. “In a kingdom where every grain of sand held a story, a young prince could uncover these stories because he had the power to…”
  28. “In a world where all the animals could talk, there was a young girl who could understand them and she decided to…”
  29. “In a realm where the moon and sun were siblings, there was a young boy who could converse with them. One day, they told him that…”
  30. “In a world where trees grew upside down, there lived a young boy who had the ability to…”

As we conclude our exploration of KS2 writing prompts, it’s crucial to remember the limitless potential that they offer. These prompts are more than just ideas for stories; they are opportunities for young writers to explore their creativity, hone their writing skills, and build confidence in their abilities.

Every prompt holds the promise of a unique narrative, an intriguing character, a journey of epic proportions, or a lesson wrapped in a tale. Whether it’s crafting a fantastical adventure, detailing a new experience, or describing an imaginary world, each prompt serves as a launching pad for your child’s creative journey.

And so, as we reach the end of this post, remember that the real adventure begins now. The next time your child picks up their pen, let these KS2 writing prompts guide them towards the creation of a remarkable narrative. Who knows, the next great story is just a prompt away! So here’s to the joy of writing, the thrill of creating, and the wonderful world of imagination that awaits. Happy writing!

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Parven founded Kids N Clicks after obtaining her MSc in Corporate Governance from the London School of Economics. She worked as a business studies and digital marketing lecturer. Internet Matters recognizes her profound knowledge of online safety, dubbing her an Internet safety expert. At Kids N Clicks, Parven keeps abreast of the newest apps. Drawing from her teaching background, she fervently promotes screen-free activities for students and encourages introspective thinking through journaling, games and writing prompts.

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