100+ Positive Words For Kids To Encourage Self-belief

Recently updated on June 30th, 2024 at 03:37 pm

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Key Takeaways

  • Positive words for kids are vital for fostering a growth mindset, confidence, and grit.
  • Emphasize praising effort over results to instil a mindset valuing the learning process.
  • Regularly remind children of their uniqueness
  • Best positive words for children: “I trust your judgment.” , “I love you just the way you are” and “You can make a difference.”

Positive words for kids can encourage a growth mindset. The words we use when talking to them will influence their self-belief.

By using positive words for kids, we can instil confidence and grit in children. Remember to always focus on the effort and not the result when using positive words for kids.



Use the activity sheet below to encourage children to spread kindness to children.

Positive words for kids
Thankyou Letter

Positive words for kids:

  1. You are loved.
  2. You are blessed.
  3. We love you.
  4. You are important.
  5. You can make a difference.
  6. The world needs you.
  7. We are proud of you.
  8. Your hard work is recognized and appreciated.
  9. We have faith in you.
  10. You make us very happy.
  11. You are the miracle we have been waiting for.
  12. You can achieve all your dreams.
  13. You are talented.
  14. Put your mind to it, and you will achieve it.
  15. There is nothing that you can’t do.
  16. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.
  17. You will always be safe with us.
  18. God loves you.
  19. I know you can do it.
  20. There is nothing that you can’t do.
  21. Keep trying and never give up.
  22. Focus on the learning process.
  23. Life is about the journey, not just the destination.
  24. Enjoy every moment.
  25. I love you.
  26. Follow your dreams.
  27. Be led by your heart.
  28. Failure is always part of living.
  29. It’s ok to ask for help.
  30. You are stronger than you can ever imagine.
  31. God will give you challenges, and you will excel at them.
  32. There is nothing wrong in saying ‘No’.
  33. I appreciate all the effort you are putting in.
  34. I can see that you are trying your best.
  35. Your opinion matters.
  36. Always speak your mind.
  37. I appreciate your honesty.
  38. You are creative.
  39. I trust you.
  40. I know you can do it.
  41. You are born special.
  42. You are the perfection in my life.
  43. You give me a new meaning to life.
  44. I cannot imagine my life without you.
  45. I am grateful to have you in my life.
  46. I will always support you, no matter what.
  47. I want you to be happy with whatever you decide to do.
  48. No matter what, I will stand by your side.
  49. I am proud to call you my child.
  50. I love spending my day with you.
  51. There is nothing else I would like to do but be with you.
  52. Let go of the things that make you unhappy.
  53. You are not alone; you have people that care and love you.
  54. I believe in you.
  55. I will let you decide.
  56. I believe that you will make the right decision.
  57. There is nothing I would change about you.
  58. Everything about you is perfect.
  59. You are exactly how I dream you would be.
  60. Keep up the good work.
  61. Nothing great comes easy.
  62. Practice will make you perfect.
  63. You are born to do great things.
  64. You can make a difference in this world.
  65. You are the change that the world needs.
  66. Don’t change the way you are to please someone else.
  67. Be confident.
  68. I respect your belief.
  69. I admire what you stand for.

Use the Personalised Growth mindset activity sheet below to help children realize their uniqueness.

Positive words for kids
You Are Special

  1. I think you are capable of anything.
  2. You are so creative.
  3. You make the world a better place.
  4. You bring sunshine into our world.
  5. I respect your honesty.
  6. I admire the fact that you never give up.
  7. You are a good role model.
  8. You will make an excellent leader.
  9. You are born to do great things.
  10. Go and do your best.
  11. Every day is a new day that brings you closer to your goals.
  12. You don’t need to win all the time. Losing teaches you a lot of things in life.
  13. You are braver than you believe.
  14. Your kindness is infectious.
  15. Thank you for being the way you are.
  16. There is nothing I will ever change about you.
  17. I admire the fact that you live life the way you want to.
  18. Always remember that everyone loves you.
  19. Never forget how much you matter to all of us.
  20. No matter what, you will keep working hard.
  21. I believe in you and your abilities.
  22. You make me proud every day.
  23. Your ideas are wonderful.
  24. You are very important to me.
  25. I love how you persevere through challenges.
  26. You have a big heart and it shows.
  27. Your creativity amazes me.
  28. I admire your enthusiasm.
  29. You did that so well!
  30. I trust your judgment.
  31. You’re a great problem solver.
  32. Your kindness is a gift to those around you.
  33. I appreciate your hard work.
  34. You bring so much joy into our lives.
  35. You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.
  36. I’m grateful for your help.
  37. Your curiosity is one of your greatest strengths.
  38. You’re doing a fantastic job.
  39. Your smile brightens my day.
  40. I love you just the way you are.


Encouraging words for kids

  1. Amazing
  2. Brave
  3. Strong
  4. Brilliant
  5. Outstanding
  6. Fantastic
  7. Unique
  8. Valuable
  9. Wonderful
  10. Talented
  11. Smart
  12. Creative
  13. Confident
  14. Determined
  15. Resourceful
  16. Passionate
  17. Kind-hearted
  18. Inventive
  19. Cheerful
  20. Reliable
  21. Optimistic
  22. Insightful
  23. Grateful
  24. Fearless
  25. Enthusiastic
  26. Dynamic
  27. Compassionate
  28. Capable
  29. Bright
  30. Adventurous

Positive words for students from teachers

  1. Your dedication and hard work are truly inspiring.
  2. I’m so proud of the progress you’ve made.
  3. Your curiosity and questions enrich our class discussions.
  4. You’ve shown remarkable improvement in your work.
  5. Your creativity in solving problems is impressive.
  6. I appreciate your enthusiasm and participation in class.
  7. You have a great attitude towards learning.
  8. Your positive energy is contagious.
  9. You’re making great strides in your understanding.
  10. Keep up the excellent effort; it’s paying off.
  11. Your willingness to help your peers is admirable.
  12. I can see your confidence growing with each achievement.
  13. Your attention to detail is making a significant difference in your work.
  14. You’ve shown great resilience in facing challenges.
  15. Your questions show a deep understanding of the topic.
  16. You’re a valuable member of our classroom community.
  17. Your contributions to our projects are greatly appreciated.
  18. I’m impressed by your ability to manage your time effectively.
  19. You have a fantastic ability to think critically.

20 positive words to appreciate a child

  1. Brilliant
  2. Creative
  3. Thoughtful
  4. Resilient
  5. Kind
  6. Generous
  7. Courageous
  8. Diligent
  9. Enthusiastic
  10. Motivated
  11. Respectful
  12. Inspiring
  13. Curious
  14. Joyful
  15. Dependable
  16. Imaginative
  17. Compassionate
  18. Energetic
  19. Persistent
  20. Empathetic

Tips on using positive words for kids:

1. Use Specific Praise Over General Compliments

Instead of relying on general phrases like “good job” or “great job,” aim for specific praise that acknowledges the exact effort or achievement.

For example, saying “You did a great job organizing your room, everything is in the right place!” helps young children and older kids understand what they did well.

This kind of praise reinforces positive behavior and encourages them to repeat those actions.

It provides a clear guide to what constitutes good behavior and effort, fostering a strong sense of self.

2. Incorporate Positive Reinforcement Regularly

Positive words of encouragement should be a staple in daily interactions, not just reserved for big achievements.

Recognize the small things, such as when a child shares with siblings or helps without being asked, with encouraging phrases like “You’re being such a good friend by sharing your toys.”

This continuous positive reinforcement helps build a child’s confidence and promotes a positive outlook on life, contributing to healthy self-esteem.

3. Create a Positive Environment with a List of Positive Words

Keeping a visible list of positive words and encouraging phrases on the refrigerator or a bathroom mirror acts as a visual cue for family members to use positive language.

This list can include words like “brilliant,” “kind-hearted,” “resilient,” and “creative,” along with inspirational quotes.

It’s a great addition to the home that reminds everyone to express kindness and appreciation, helping to cultivate an environment where young people feel valued and motivated.

4. Avoid Negative Words and Focus on Positive Messages

While it’s natural for children to have bad days and display negative emotions, the way adults respond can make a big difference.

Instead of focusing on negative things, try to redirect the conversation to positive aspects and use kind words to address any issues.

For example, if a child is struggling with a new task, instead of pointing out what they did wrong, offer positive encouragement like “I can see you’re trying really hard, and that’s the most important thing.” This approach helps mitigate negative effects and supports a child’s mental health.

5. Encourage Personal Growth Through Encouraging Words

Encouraging personal growth and a positive impact in children’s lives can be achieved through motivational and inspirational words.

Phrases that promote a growth mindset, such as “You have a kind heart, and you’re a natural leader,” help young kids and older kids alike to see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

Highlighting their efforts, even when results aren’t perfect, is a powerful form of positive reinforcement that fosters resilience during hard times and a dedication to personal growth.


Before you go, don’t forget to get the Personalised Growth Mindset kit for children.

There are endless possibilities to incorporate a growth mindset into your child’s daily life.

Growth mindset activities can be a useful tool for your child to be reminded of how unique and unforgettable they are.


Growth mindset for kids

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Haris is your expert for naming it all, from team names and pet names to clan titles. With a knack for creative nomenclature, Haris' suggestions stand out and capture the essence of their subjects. Beyond names, Haris is also a skilled quote craftsman, weaving words of wisdom and inspiration. Whether you're seeking the perfect name or a memorable quote, Haris is your go-to source for creative expression.

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