General knowledge trivia can be a fun activity during family gatherings, ice breaker sessions, and also as a classroom activity.
The general knowledge trivia in this post is made divided into 5 categories:
- For adults
- For kids
- Animals trivia questions
- Geography trivia
- American history general knowledge trivia questions
The best way to have a fun general knowledge trivia is to divide participants into smaller groups. Each group should be given at least 10 seconds to think of an answer.
Have a board to write down the scores and think of a penalty for the group who comes the last.
Here are some fun general knowledge trivia questions along with the answers:
General knowledge trivia for adults:
- What is the name of the Indian Holy river? Ganges
- Another name for the study of fossil? Paleontology
- What do penguins eat? Fish and Plankton
- What is the capital city of Turkey? Ankara
- After which animals are the Canary Islands named? Dogs
- Which famous group was known as The Quarrymen? Beatles
- What is the official currency in Nepal? Rupee
- In which city was the Titanic built? Belfast
- If I was biting into a “Granny Smith” what would I be eating? Green Apple
- On which island was Napoleon born? Corsica
- What is the capital city of Australia? Canberra
- Who wrote Merchant of Venice? William Shakespeare
- Which country had a prime minister and a president who were twin brothers? Poland
- What is another word for wall painting? Fresco
- What does the name of the Russian newspaper Pravda mean? Truth
- What is the lightest metal? Aluminum
- What is the name of the famous fitness method that was invented in German? Pilates
- In which city were Romeo and Juliet together? Verona
- What is the world’s largest office? Pentagon
- Which Italian artist painted the Birth of Venus? Botticelli
- What is a famous yoga post that stars with A? Asana
don’t forget to check this out:
General knowledge Trivia for kids:
- What do you call ice that shifts slowly down a mountain? Glacier
- What are the 2 countries that compete in the ashes? England and Australia
- What do you call a young wolf? cub
- What is the outside of a cricket ball made of? Leather
- Do Eskimos live in the north pole or south pole? North
- How many people are found on the field during a football match? 23
- What will the day after tomorrow be if yesterday was Sunday? Wednesday
- Do fish close their eyes when they sleep? No
- How many neck bones does Giraffe have? 7
- Which queen rules England for 64 years? Victoria
- Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell
- What season is it in America when it is summer in Australia? Winter
- What is the color of the flight that is raised when people give up in war? White
- How many arms does a squid have? 10
- Which continent is Japan located? Asia
- What is Harry Potter’s middle name? James
- How many rings make up the Olympic symbol? 5
- What is the name of Beauty & The Beast? Belle
- What do you call a group of lions? Pride
- In which country is Barcelona located? Spain
- Off what state in Australia would I find the Great Barrier Reef? Queensland
- What is the most eaten food in the world? Rice
- In which movie do you find the character Simba? Lion King
- What is the capital city of South Australia? Adelaide
- What animal is called canine? Dog
- Which fairy tale has the longest hair? Rapunzel
- In Australia, name the 3 months that would be spring? September. October, November
- What watercraft that travels underwater? Submarine
- What character lives in a rubbish bin in sesame street? Oscar
- What is the largest land animal? Elephant
- In what country is the Statue Liberty located? The United States?
- Where can you find the Eiffel Tower? Paris
- Where is Buckingham palace located? London
- What color is M from McDonald’s? Yellow
- How often are commonwealth games held? Every 4 years.
- What is the yellow of an egg called? Yolk
- In Thomas the Tank Engine, what color is perfect? Green
- Which is heavier, gold or silver? Gold
- Which year was the battle of Bannockburn fought? 1214
More Trivia for kids
Animal Trivia:
- How many hearts does an Octopus have? 3
- Which animal lives the longest? Tortoise
- What do you call a female deer? A doe
- What animal is used by the US army to find underwater mines? Dolphins
- Which animal can sleep for 3 years? Snail
- What do koalas mainly eat? Leaves
- Which bird can fly backward? Hummingbird
- What is the fastest bird in the world? falcon
- What is the largest mammal in the world? Blue whale
Geography Trivia:
- In which Cite is the famous leaning tower located? Pisa
- How many players are there in a basketball team? 5
- What is the most popular musical instrument during the middle ages? The Lute
- What do you call a shape that has 10 sides? Decagon
- How many bones are there in the human body? 206
- What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter
- Who wrote Romeo and Juliet? William Shakespeare
- Who wrote the book, Harry Potter? J.K Rowling
- What is the capital city of Ireland? Dublin
- Who was the first president of the United States? George Washington
- What language is mainly spoken in Brazil? Portuguese
- How many days are there generally in February? 28
- What are the 2 colors of the Japanese flag? Red and white
- What Disney film is about 2 sisters, Anna and Elsa? Frozen
- What popular video games allow you to make buildings from cubes? Minecraft
- What is a didgeridoo? A musical instrument from Australia
- Which country invented the boomerang? Australia
Growth Mindset Questions For Kids :
General knowledge Trivia on American History:
- What is the capital city of the USA? Washington
- What date is independence day celebrated? 4th July
- Who discovered North America in 1492? Christopher Columbus
- What do you call the house where the president lives? The White House
- Which mountain has the faces of 4 US presidents carved into it? Mount Rushmore
- What is the animal symbol of America? Eagle
- Which city is the Empire state building located? New York.
- Which city if the statue of liberty located? New York
- What do the stars on the US flag represent? The number of states in the country
- How many colonies were there originally? 13
- Which US president stayed in office the longest time? Roosevelt.
- Who were the first people to live in North America?Native Americans
- In which year did the US gain independence? 1776
- What bill was passed in 1789 to protect individuals? The Bill of Rights
- Who did America fight against in the Revolutionary war? Britain
- In which year were women allowed to vote? 1920
- Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
Finally, before you go don’t forget to check this out
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