The advancement in technology has revolutionized the education sector.
They have undergone a gigantic transformation. Even the invention of the internet and websites is the talk of yesterday.
Nowadays, people are more inclined to personalized solutions like mobile applications for their use.
They are easy to access and takes no time to understand. All the apps these days have a tutorial program attached to it which
gives you a tour of everything.
These creations have narrowed the communication gap between teachers and parents.
Now, they can work together for the success of their child. As the kids are becoming more intelligent, they require a unique level of understanding and efforts to enhance the learning process.
Educational apps are very popular in this respect in the present era. For instance, children can watch educational videos on YouTube kids, make science projects on science360 and best way to learn French is to install Duolingo.
Now let’s go through the basics of what needs to be considered when creating an educational app
6 effective tips for creating an educational app.
1. Market Survey
It is imperative to conduct a market survey to know the scale of the requirement. Sometimes people invest millions of dollars on the idea and unfortunately, they discover that it is not a popular choice in the market or there is another application same as they are running for some time. The developers
should conduct interview sessions and focus groups of kids and parents to have an idea about their preferences and what they need from a technological world.
Some of the pertinent questions to be asked during the research phase are:
a. The need for the product or service
b. What is the business model?
c. How an optimal strategy be developed for marketing the app
d. Social media presence
e. Signing up for users . The core strength of the product
2. Original Content
Once you have finished the market research and perfected your business model, the critical point here is to know if there is another application like that in the market.
If you steal someone’s idea, you will not be successful even with an ironclad plan.
If your idea is unique, you should check how it will benefit the people who use it. Your target market is children. So, how do you intend to share the
content with them?
They take this application as a learning opportunity, but the process and algorithms should be correct and original. If you end up copying the games and entertainment sections of another application, you might become a culprit of the copyright act.
The opponent can shut you down even before you start your quest. You have to determine your unique selling proposition.
Make sure whatever you develop should be original.
You can work to develop a multiplatform solution, have a smart plan in place to avoid any rework. A workable solution can be to use a background mainframe which can be used as an asset if you want to create another application.
Children’s online safety book- teach them about internet safety from a young age. For 3 -10 years old
3. Colorful themes and background
Colorful themes attack kids from a very young age.
You can design a rainbow splash screen for them.
The point of consideration is that your splash screen does not display for more than 8-10 seconds.
In another case, the children will get bored and desperate to see the next level. You should make a straightforward home screen without any clutter and extra options.
You can give them a way of customizing their home screen which is truly based on them.
The kids have a special place in their hearts for surprises so you can also keep them engaged by giving them space races or building
blocks which might intrigue their interest.
There is a big NO on adding any displays or content depicting violence, assault in any way or inappropriate content.
4. Grab kids concentration
Add some audio messages, notification, fun popup questions which will stimulate their thinking.
In the process of making your application more popular, do not forget that it will be used for educational purposes, so this main role should not go into the background.
If the advertiser approaches you to display their content, you have to keep a strict check that it is appropriate for children.
Also, give your premium users an option to disable the advertisements.
Do check out the list below for educational and fun online activities
5. Language Considerations
Always consider the possibility of adding dual language. Most kids around the world don’t understand English.
They might not be keen on playing games which are in a foreign language.
You should take into account the use of an expert translator or as an option of text to speech engine which can be
modified according to the content of language.
Always check for the quality of your products and correct use of language.
6. Rewards and Competition System
Give the children some incentive to play your game.
There should be a mechanism to generate the scores in the form of stars or coins.
You can also use the in-game currency. In this way, you can engage a group of children who will be interested in competing with each other.
The option of single player is not feasible anymore. Due to the advancement of the internet and availability everywhere, the developer use a multiplayer option to connect a person with his peers during the internet within the game.
Kids can use that platform to challenge each other to gain more stars or points with the game.
This scenario will create a healthy competitive environment which will stimulate learning as well.
When doing this ensure the safety of the game. You do not want your app to be used by predators to connect with kids.
Also, have the option to switch off multiplayer and in-game currency for security reasons.
The mobile application is one of the greatest inventions of this time.
They aid the children and students learn new things and provide a number of advantages to the education industry.
The students are so much glued to their phones that they use application for all purposes which makes them a great target
If you develop your application correctly, it will be flooded with users in no time.
For more online safety news check out : : French Lessons
This post is written by Hassan K from :
Finally, don’t forget to click below:
Children’s online safety book- teach them about internet safety from a young age. For 3 -10 years old
Here are other tips to you keep children safe in the digital age :
Cyber Flashing :The new online safety threat on your kid’s iPhone
10 things you can do right now to keep your children safe: Easy and clever online safety tips
3 dangerous places for children to be online : 3 places kids should have limited internet access
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